Identify a good or service that would provide continued satisfaction with additi

July 5, 2024

Identify a good or service that would provide continued satisfaction with additional units of consumption.
Assign a price that this good or service might cost per unit. (Each unit will be the same price.)
List the number of units you would consume and assign marginal utility scores, based upon a scale of 1 to 100, to each level of consumption. Include at least 4 units of consumption.
Calculate the marginal utility per dollar you will receive with each unit consumed.
Calculate the total utility acquired by all the units consumed.
Provide an example of a good or service from which you are likely to receive zero marginal utility with additional consumption of it. For example, a second identical newspaper will offer no additional marginal utility for a consumer because there is no new information in it that is not in the first copy.
Provide an example of a good or service in which the marginal utility diminishes very slowly with additional use. For example, people who need to take a life-saving medicine every day would not receive diminished marginal utility for taking the medication. Rather, this would receive the maximum utility possible with every dosage.

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