I will attach my literature review make it into a nice PowerPoint with pictures

July 3, 2024

I will attach my literature review make it into a nice PowerPoint with pictures using simple words 
Make it a nice a presentation 
Reference in end
This final presentation should be a professional quality PowerPoint presentation designed to inform others about your area of interest. We will discuss guidelines for the presentation in class, and you can find a summary below. 
Please make a PowerPoint/Google Slides presentation
Limit the information displayed on each slide (i.e. do not write in full sentences)
Keep text minimal and easily visible (size, font, color)
Format as follows:
Title slide including your name, your study title, and a brief verbal introduction (less than one minute)
Literature Review, up to 7 slides. Briefly review the components of the literature that you discovered. Divide new topics by slides. Use of charts not necessary but encouraged for comparative data (3-5 minutes).
Only include the main findings/takeaways in 1-2 slides. Wrap up your thoughts on the topic (approximately 1 minute)
Include a final slide with references (show briefly on screen as you conclude)
Don’t read off your slides, please 🙂
5-7 minutes

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