I need someone who has access to materials that you’d need to get on Lexis or We

April 11, 2024

I need someone who has access to materials that you’d need to get on Lexis or Westlaw or things of that sort. A writer who has access to these legal research tools.
My topic is “The Right of Self-Defense in the U.S., specifically when an intruder enters your house (Castle Doctrine).” Must have cases, statutes, secondary sources, Law reviews, Interdisciplinary Sources, etc.” I have very detailed instructions. The paper is not due until May 2nd, but the research plan portion of the assignment I need no later than April 17. I have two samples on different topics you can use and many examples. (This assignment needs access to legal research tools that are paid for so only accept if you access to things like westlaw, lexis, etc.). The “Research Log” Document is an example of the thing that I need done no later than April 16-17. 

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