I have to write a position paper with a thesis statement and write out arguments

April 23, 2024

I have to write a position paper with a thesis statement and write out arguments in favor of my thesis statement as well as counterarguments and rebuttals to those counterarguments to strengthen my thesis statement. The paper needs to be written in latex (format: double columns with abstract, introduction, body/discussion of the arguments, counterarguments and rebuttals and conclusion). I have provided the rubric to follow and description of what needs to be written down in the position paper. I have attached the slides with the description of the position papers and the draft that I have written and that needs to be rewritten, hopefully that will give context. My phone number is +31643271132 and email is elenaibi(at-sign)yahoo.com for online calls to discuss this further. Every argument, counter argument needs to be backed with relevant literature, I will provide the feedback that the position paper I wrote received so that you can implement it and rewrite it. No strict number on references, as many as they are needed. 

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