I have to write a literary analysis of Bi Feiyu’s “The Ancestor” of which my pro

July 3, 2024

I have to write a literary analysis of Bi Feiyu’s “The Ancestor” of which my professor attached a short section of the text from which I have to pull evidence (I attached the story). I would like a couple quotes (3-4) from the attached pdf as evidence.
For the analysis, I want to focus on how this short story is a criticism of the historical period of the time, the Chinese Cultural Revolution. A thesis statement along these lines: In Bi Feiyu’s ‘Ancestor,’ Feiyu depicts the complex moral and ethical issues faced by the characters, representative of the many ethical issues of the Chinese cultural revolution and I believe he argues that many of the crimes committed were guilty but done by innocent people as they were part of a mass societal movement that pressured them to think and act in a certain way, similar to how people behaved during the cultural revolution.

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