I have to propose a hybrid data structure consisting of red-black tree as the ma

July 5, 2024

I have to propose a hybrid data structure consisting of red-black tree as the main database and the splay tree as a quick memory to access that stores at the root of it the recent accessed node for example, the user of management people healthcare system tryibg to search for a specific data, tge system first looks in thr splay tree, if it’s in there, will display quickly, else, will look in the red-black tree, move the data to the root of the splay tree as recent accessed element, and fisplay it to the user. Finally I need to integrate the recurrent neural network algorithm to predict thr next accessed data by the user in thr future based on the previous accesses and move it the root of the splay tree, so when it’s needed latef by the user it will be available in the root of the splay tree do quick access and performance

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