I have choosen to have the paper be on a stroke. I will attach the grading rubri

July 10, 2024

I have choosen to have the paper be on a stroke. I will attach the grading rubric as well as the two screenshots from my online book that discuss about stroke. The first page is on page 406 and the next page is 407. The book is Applied Physiology: A Conceptual Approach by Judi Nath. 
This is the what my teacher wrote about the paper:
This paper is intended to show that you have been able to synthesize the concepts presented in this class.  It should reflect critical thinking and your understanding of “alterations” from normal physiology.  It is expected to be much more than a basic report.  It is due by 11:59pm on the final night of class.  It should be a minimum of 5 pages, double-spaced 12-point font.  Reference page/Bibliography does not count as a page.  No cover page is necessary.  You should have a solid introduction explaining why you selected  your topic and the conclusion should wrap up your thoughts in a concise summary.  There is no need for a cover page, an abstract or a running head. Select any clinical alteration (disease or condition) presented in Weeks 4-8. (mine is stroke). This paper should include how research on or treatment of this disease or condition is important to healthcare and its implications for allied health or your chosen area of healthcare practice (medical assitant).  You should include pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic interventions and treatments, including at least one medication.  Describe how the medication works or the disease or how it might be effective. Include potential risks and benefits of treatment. Share what you have learned about research and any experimental treatments, if any.  Again, this paper is to demonstrate what you have learned about disease processes and alterations!

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