I have attached the instructions in the drop box under “consumption assignment”.

April 5, 2024

I have attached the instructions in the drop box under “consumption assignment”.  
I have conducted three interviews (which I will attach along with the transcripts). The essay should be organized accordingly:
You should include the demographics of my subjects and they are men age 20-23 university students. Subject A is from France and subject B and C are from the United States. 
Please use the 4 sources I provided (for SOURCE 3 only use chapter 1)
– and include another scholar article with research
My research question What are the variations in prioritization and consumption patterns of health and wellness-based media among men aged 19-23, and how do these variations correlate with their daily routines? 
My argument:  men consume media in different ways and practice it 
Subargument  is culture 
subargument to uphold their msculinity 
for the argument dont make the main focus that they are from different countries because they do not represent the whole demographic
Introduction: briefly describe the critical context of your research, including the
research questions that motivate your exploration.
(can include when I reached university I saw a difference in the way men practice their rotuines in health and wellness, with each prioritizing different things  and when I mpved to Paris I felt I saw another difference and wanted to explore that) 
Methodology: briefly introduce the interview subjects and outline the interview
method, including ethical considerations and the limitations of your research. 
Analysis: write up the major results of your research, organised into 2 or 3
categories or themes; include and analyse direct quotations from the interviews to
illustrate key points.
Please listen to the inteview/read the transcripts for accurate and direct quotations
Discussion: offer your interpretations of the interviews (ie. what can you now
argue?); include reference to critical concepts that give depth and support to your
Critical Concepts  lay it in and reference it correctly 
Bring them up in the discussion of the results 
Uses and gratifications model of consumption
Cosumer situatedness 
Conclusion: briefly reiterate your main argument, acknowledge the limits of what
you can argue in a such a small study, and suggest future directions for research.

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