I have already started writing the essays dn picked the first question to write

June 12, 2024

I have already started writing the essays dn picked the first question to write an essay about and a few references i found that could relate to the subject. I have attached my assignment task.
In this essay we will be discussing how moral panics are often centred around people who are marginalised in society due to their race, ethnicity, sexuality, class, nationality or religion. We will review the differences between regular panic and moral panic and provide examples of what these could be. A case study about drugs will also be discussed and a moral panic incident that started in the 1970s and peaked in the late 80s early 90s called “The War on drugs”.
A moral panic is a public issue that has happened that has caused alarm and anxiety for people as the issue could change the standards of society and potentially change laws depending on the situation. An example of a panic could be “Mods and Rockers” that has been discussed by Cohen, S. (2011) However, regular panics are panics that are not serious enough to worry the public but something that some people could still debate.
Cohen, S. (2011) Folk Devils and Moral Panics. [BibliU version] Taylor and Francis.
US v. Solivan (1991) case study https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=15136893808966466998&q=the+war+on+drugs&hl=en&as_sdt=2006
James E. Hawdon (2001) the role of presidential rhetoric in the creation of a moral panic: reagan, bush, and the war on drugs,Deviant Behavior

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