I have already chosen the artwork and it is in the file below  Instructions- Sel

April 4, 2024

I have already chosen the artwork and it is in the file below 
Select a single artifact/ work of art from the following of the eras covered in this course (starting with the ancient Greece and ending with Gothic).  
Research your selected artifact/work of art and write a paper demonstrating the following concepts from what you have learned from that research.
You are required to describe and explain at least one of the following how your chosen subject best reflects either the social, religious or political aspects of its culture.
You are required to discuss the style(appearance) and iconography(meaning) of your chosen subject.
Explain how the appearance (style) of the object and its meaning are a direct reflection of the culture that produced it.
Your paper must be at least 1000 words.  
Each paper must: 
Include an image or images of the artifact being discussed.
Artifact information: 
name of the topic object, 
medium (what it is made of)
culture or country of origin. Art of the ancient period, (Egypt, Greece and Rome) maybe identified by culture alone. In the Medieval period art is usually identified by country of origin (France, England, Spain etc. )
date (when it was made)
Body of the paper that should include:
Intro paragraph
A discussion on how the artifact reflects either the social, religious or political aspects of its culture.
A discuss on the style and iconography of the object
A discussion on the artifact’s meaning as a direct reflection of its culture.
A list of source materials/bibliography (books, journal articles, internet sites etc.). You must use at least three sources other than your textbook. You may use any style format (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) that you prefer, be consistent in employing one style.
Conclusion paragraph: summarize what you have learned.
While the paper demands a certain level of research, the ultimate goal here is for you to use what you have learned through this research to arrive at conclusions of your own concerning the way the artifact serves to indicate its meaning and function within the society that produced it. 
Do not select any topic/work of art made after 1400 CE.  Topics must be from between the Paleolithic period to the beginning of the 15th century (the year 1400)

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