I have added all three books that are needed to be cited and analyzed throughout

April 15, 2024

I have added all three books that are needed to be cited and analyzed throughout the paper. Below are the requirements:
1) Title page (not counted in the page limit) 
2) 10 pages for the body of the paper 
3) Endnotes 
4) Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced
5) Name and page number on every page 
6) Include subheadings 
7) Consistent formatting (Chicago, MLA, etc) 
8) Strong introduction  that outlines argument and provides a cogent roadmap 
9) Clear outline/ roadmap
10) Definition of Social Change
11) Integrate all three texts
12) Sound grammar and syntax
13) Sophisticated Vocabbulary
14) Transition between sections
15) Compelling conclusion
9) Creativity will come through representations/definitions of “social change” 
10) Integrate all three texts into the paper 
11) Integrate at least three quotes from each text
12) Using other text is not encouraged 

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