i attached the instructions to the file. You can pick whatever research questio

June 24, 2024

i attached the instructions to the file.
You can pick whatever research question you want to write about in the file, just make sure to let me know which question you picked.
Please make sure to cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles or academic books.
I will give you guys my university account username and password to be able to get access to all those peer reviewed articles and etc.
McMaster library:
Username – Osundee
password- Bucketz22
All essays are to be written in formal academic style and must be fully referenced (in-text citation and Works Cited page). Essays must be double-spaced, have page numbers and include a title page. Title page must have an original title, the student’s name, the course code, the instructor’s name, and the date the paper is handed in.
Essays must have a clear thesis statement that presents an argument.
Students are free to use any citation format they wish. Just be consistent.

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