I am an educator. I have served in the classroom, and I am now a principal. Dire

July 5, 2024

I am an educator. I have served in the classroom, and I am now a principal.
Directions: Although I want you to observe the actions of all characters, specifically observe the characters of Rodney Spivey Jones and Dyjan Tatro. Answer the questions below using the two suggested characters in the film College Behind Bars.
1. Compare and contrast the journey of both characters.
Include the character’s story (what he/she did to
become incarcerated) and academic matriculation.
2. As you analyze the words, actions, and behaviors of
the two characters, what are the faith, social, and
ethical implications?
3. How does your life and/or educational experiences
connect to the two characters?
4. Overall, what part of the film was most captivating,
compelling, and/or thought-provoking?
Created by: Shevonne L. McDuffy-Oatis, Ed. D.

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