July 1, 2024,%2C%20vocabulary%2C%20and%20text%20comprehension.
After completing the assigned reading, write a 2 page reflection discussing how you will use the ideas, tips, or suggestions you learned from the readings in your classroom.
1. What ideas did I find useful in my teaching from the reading?
2. How will they be useful in teaching my students about literacy and literature?                                            
3. How will I implement these ideas in my classroom?                           
4. What will my students learn from using these ideas?                      
5. How will these ideas help me grow professionally in teaching literacy and literature?
6. Why is it important to use these ideas in teaching and learning?                               
(1.5 spacing, 12-point type, Arial font). Please follow this format. Do not forget to
include your name, date, and reflection topic.

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