HR435-2: Examine job analysis. In this assignment, you will review the job analy

July 2, 2024

HR435-2: Examine job analysis.
In this assignment, you will review the job analysis process and apply it to a job in your organization. As a compensation professional or manager, you may need to create a job description or update a description that will be used for a variety of HR functions, including establishing pay level.
Job analysis usually begins with a detailed review of information previously collected to develop a framework for further analysis. Although prior information related to a job (major responsibilities, task dimensions, etc.) may exist, it may no longer be accurate; clarification of existing information may be necessary.
Choose an organization in which you are interested, and from which you can obtain the information required in this assignment below. You may want to choose a past or current employer, or you may choose any other organization that interests you. You may choose the same or a different organization from the previous unit. Research the organization through the company website as well as related articles available in the library, and answer the following questions in a 2–3-page paper:
Identify one particular job title within your chosen organization.
Analyze the job description and describe whether or not the information is still accurate or in need of further clarification. Do not include a copy of the job description itself (except as an addendum, if you wish).
Discuss the steps you would take to perform an in-depth job analysis (What type of information would you collect? How would you collect it? Etc.).
How do you think your job analysis would stand up to various criteria for judging the analysis?
Given this type of reflection, discuss your opinion on the value of performing a job analysis.
Now consider what you have learned about the job-based and people-based approaches to compensation. Discuss which structure you would recommend for your organization.
Make sure your assignment includes the following:
Arrange job description(s)
Plan steps to perform the job analysis process
Analyze usefulness of job analyses
Discuss a plausible job analysis method
To successfully complete the paper, the following are the minimum requirements:
Review the grading rubric before beginning this assignment.
Compose a 2–3-page paper in APA format – 12-point font, double-spaced, indented paragraphs, citations, reference list, etc.
For additional help with writing an informative essay and APA formatting, please visit the Writing Center accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course.
Include introductory and summary paragraphs

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