How much government do you believe is necessary for society to function?

April 14, 2022

Choose 3 questions from those below to answer. Please type your answers in Microsoft Word and submit via Canvas. Be sure to answer the questions in full and in detail. Length of answers will vary, but you can expect at least 500 words per answer.
The three questions are as follows:
1) Murray Rothbard outlined his vision of what a libertarian society (with minimal to no government) would look like. How much government do you believe is necessary for society to function? Is government even truly necessary? In your answer, try to incorporate any readings from the course to help support your answer.
2) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels described a natural progression toward a classless society due to the conditions of workers and their inevitable revolution. Do you believe that society follows a such a natural progression in this direction or do you reject such an idea? Is a classless society even possible? Does human progress follow any particular path? Explore each of these questions and explain your answer with relevant examples.
3) In this course, we have read influential fascist writings from Benito Mussolini, Alfredo Rocco, and the conspiracy theory The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Given what you have read, what steps/ingredients would you say make it possible for totalitarian movements to attain power? What steps/safeguards do you believe are necessary to prevent such movements from taking hold? Do you believe totalitarianism remains a threat in our modern world and to what extent?
the sources for the following questions will be provided. Please answer the questions individually and separately numbering them 1-3. Use only the sources provided for the given material. The authors that need to be used are mentioned in the beginning of each question.

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