How might you approach counseling differently depending on who in the family has

June 27, 2024

How might you approach counseling differently depending on who in the family has the substance use disorder? For example, would you approach a mom or wife differently than a husband or dad?
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
6) Appreciate the importance of family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment and recovery process.
10) Describe a variety of helping strategies for reducing the negative effects of substance abuse and dependency.
95) Understand the characteristics and dynamics of families, couples, and intimate dyads affected by addiction.
96) Be familiar with and appropriately use models of diagnosis and intervention for families, couples, and intimate dyads, including extended, kinship, or tribal family structures.
97) Facilitate the engagement of selected members of the family, couple, or intimate dyed in the treatment and recovery process.
104) Describe how addiction affects families and significant/concerned others.

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