How has Cisco Systems, Inc (Cisco) changed its structure and control systems?

April 1, 2022

Must have an Introduction and Conclusion
Review the assigned case study: Cisco Systems Develops a Collaborative Approach to Organizing (pp. 330-331). In essay form, answer the following (2-4 double-spaced pages, APA 7th Edition Guideline):
1. How has Cisco Systems, Inc (Cisco) changed its structure and control systems?
2. Relate Cisco’s changes to its control and evaluation systems to the stages of growth in Greiner’s model, define and describe Greiner’s model, then answer through that definition.
3. Go online and investigate how Cisco’s new approach has worked.
4. How is Cisco’s new approach continuing to change its structure and control systems to solve its ongoing problems?
Three peer-reviewed sources are required.
Text Title: Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
Publisher: Pearson
Author(s): Jones, G. R.
Edition: 7th (2013)
ISBN: 978-01-327-2994-9

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