How does Mate define addiction and what does he mean when he says “we need to look at what’s right about addiction”?

January 31, 2023

Chapter Six: Addiction Across the Life Span
This week we are discussing addiction across the lifespan. Please watch this TedTalk by addiction expert, Dr Gabor Mate:  The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power: Gabor Maté at TEDxRio+20

Then compose a top-level post in ESSAY format that responds to these questions:
1. How does Mate define addiction and what does he mean when he says “we need to look at what’s right about addiction”? (i.e. what do people get out of their addictions?)
2. How does he relate his own shopping addiction to other addictions (i.e., problems that resulted in his life)
3. How does the human brain and its interaction with the environment impact addiction?
4. In his experience, how does early trauma and abuse impact addiction and what does he say about intergenerational trauma and its impact on addiction?
5. What are your thoughts on this TedTalk and the perspective taken by Gabor Mate on addiction?

Use the e-text as well which I’ll attach in the files to answer these questions. Reference the page number and the author in the citation. I’ve attached the cover of the book as well so you know where you are referencing from.

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