How do the authors connect societal expectations of femininity to sexual satisfaction for Black women?

May 18, 2022

Reading 1
“Pretty hurts”: Acceptance of hegemonic feminine beauty ideals and reduced sexual well-being among Black women
How do the authors connect societal expectations of femininity to sexual satisfaction for Black women?
Do you think the results would look different for Black women outside of the United States? (look at the themes identified in Table 1)
Given these findings, what does justice for Black women look like (in regards to representation)? How does porn fit into it?
Be detailed in your answer (and use examples from the results).
Reading 2
Readings: My Life in Porn – The Bobby Blake Story: Chapters 29 & 30 (pg. 133 – 143 in the PDF)
In the assigned chapters, Bobby reflects on one of his most controversial movies. How does enacting the Mandingo fantasy affect his mental health? How does it affect his experience in the industry?
Think about racialized sexuality in the population you’re analyzing for your final paper. Do you see a similar situation happening?
Explain why/why not in detail. You can focus on the performers, producers, acts, etc.

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