How can parenting style and parental interactions reinforce a child’s disruptive behavioral problems?

November 26, 2022

Parent management training is a very important issue when working with children who are dealing with a number of different issues, but especially when helping children who are dealing with the different disruptive behavior problems. You can only do so much for a child you see for a few minutes or even a few hours each module if their home environment and parental interactions are supporting those behaviors rather than working to counter and replace them. After completing your readings this module, discuss the following:

How can parenting style and parental interactions reinforce a child’s disruptive behavioral problems?
What is parent management training?
Create a scenario of a parent–child relationship that has led to the maintenance of one of the disruptive behavioral disorders. What are the parents doing, and how is it specifically influencing the child’s unwanted behaviors?
What would the training program look like that you would employ with these parents?

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