Historical Background: In the late 19th century, European leaders believed that

May 4, 2024

Historical Background: In the late 19th century, European leaders believed that by creating a balance of power they could prevent a large-scale war from happening. The idea was that if the major powers of Europe – countries like England, France, Russia, and Germany – were balanced in strength, no one country could dominate the rest. War could be avoided. Countries began to ally themselves with each other, which would eventually spell disaster as Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalists, which sparked a war between Russia and Germany.
-Effective analysis and interpretation of important relationships implicit in the writing 
task; conclusions are supported with accurate factual information|
-Extensive use of social studies vocabulary in the response used correctly (from within and 
extends beyond the provided documents)
-The writing is exceptionally well-organized and ideas are coherently presented. There are virtually no errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The thesis statement is clear, specific, and fully conveys the argument or point of view. The essay has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, with seamless transitions between ideas.

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