Here you want to explore a research issue in your field of interest. You will ne

July 9, 2024

Here you want to explore a research issue in your field of interest. You will need to reference two reputable sources and to include a Works Cited listing using MLA format. 
This is meant to be a brainstorming paper about your area of interest for your final multiple-source research paper. This will be a thought paper and can be quite rough. But make sure your citation is as clean as possible.
Include a working title, which will develop into your title for your final multiple source research paper.
** I have already started a little on a paragraph. These were the sources I started with, feel free to add more. This is a rough draft to a bigger project due soon.,Surgical%20site%20infections%20(SSI)
This rough draft does not have to be perfect by any means, I am just struggling to finish it by the due date. Thank you! 

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