Help me rewrite these as one page. Utilize two reference support papers and make

May 16, 2024

Help me rewrite these as one page. Utilize two reference support papers and make sure they are peer reviewed.  Attached is my structural wall.  Please search design principles for me. 
Design Principles
Symmetry and Balance:
The symmetrical design of the frame helps balance loads evenly, reducing the risk of structural failure.
Incorporating multiple load paths (e.g., vertical, horizontal, and diagonal members) ensures that if one element fails, others can carry the load, enhancing overall safety. 
A simple, straightforward design can be more effective and easier to construct than a complex one. It also makes it easier to identify and rectify any issues. 
The design should be scalable, allowing for adjustments in size and load capaciy based on the specific requirements of the project. 
Integration with Other Systems:
Ensure the frame design can integrate seamlessly with other structural and architectural elements, such as walls, floors, and roofing systems.

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