Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you for your help in writing

July 11, 2024

I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you for your help in writing a response to the following question. This question is from Physician Assistant schools admissions and they are looking for a thorough and well written answer.
Thank you.
Describe your past, current, or plans for future service/intentions for service to underserved communities, individuals, and/or causes with examples of how these intentions relate to your career as a future Physician Assistant.
Please use the mentioned points in the explanation.  In the past I was a volunteer in a local hospital and worked with older individuals in the cardiac telemetry unit. I helped patients in feeding and just talking to them who had no visitors. I really want to serve underserved communities. Upon graduation I will be ready to provide service to underserved communities and individuals by first identifying the areas of need. I will be working with them and I will pay close attention in education and preventative healthcare measures among underserved communities. As a Physician Assistant my goal is to expand healthcare access and make sure every aspect of individual health is addressed. As Physician Assistant I want to expand healthcare access in underserved communities and to underserved individuals through (please explain How?). 

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