Green Belt Project – The Analyze Phase Create a stem and leaf plot for the downt

April 23, 2024

Green Belt Project – The Analyze Phase
Create a stem and leaf plot for the downtimes that were captured from the patient wait times in the waiting rooms. (See Appendix D for data set.).
Calculate measures of central tendency with downtime data. What can you interpret from these measures? Please document a conclusion. (See Appendix D for data set.).
Calculate measures of dispersion with downtime data. What can you interpret from these measures? Please document a conclusion (See Appendix D for data set.).
Two individual staff members were being observed performing identical activities in the doctor’s office. Twenty-five random samples were taken for each staff member. One of the medical assistants is a new employee. Medical Assistant #1 has been with Dr. Deasley for several years. Medical Assistant #2 is a new employee and has been with this medical practice for nine months. We want to determine how Assistant 2 performs when compared to Assistant 1, since she is a new employee. (See Appendix E for data sets.).
Please provide the following information based on your analysis of the two medical assistants.
Medical Assistant #2 average.
Medical Assistant #2 standard deviation.
Null hypothesis.
Alternative hypothesis.
T-test statistic.
Critical value.
Statistical conclusion for the null and alternative hypothesis.
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Discipline: Lean sigma six

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