Graduate Assignment – Scholarly Journal Article Review Read five different profe

July 2, 2024

Graduate Assignment – Scholarly Journal Article Review
Read five
different professional published scholarly journal articles (i.e., peer
reviewed from the Journal of Mechanical Design, the Journal of Engineering
Design, among others) and write a brief (3-5 pages) critique of each article.
Each paper should pertain to a different aspect of product development
methodologies similar to the topics identified in the course syllabus. Students
must provide copies of the scholarly journal articles to the instructor along
with the written critique.
Each review should follow the same general guidelines as the book review option
above. Students should demonstrate an understanding of the concepts presented
in the paper through comments, criticisms, insights, conclusions, etc.  Note: It is not acceptable just to repeat
what the author of the article/paper has said. The student
must, in their own words, provide original thought on the subject matter.
Format – The submitted assignment should use 11 font, 1”
margins, & 1-1/2 spacing unless approved by the instructor. 
I have included information from the syllabus that might be of use that is attached.

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