Given the organization, products, and specifications provided in your chosen cas

April 5, 2024

Given the organization, products, and specifications provided in your chosen case study, what are the logistics needs? What suggestions can you make for improving aspects of the framework?
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Needs and Scenario Assessment
Assess customer logistics support needs for a product line.
Scenario Background: Analyze the logistic support needs of the company in your chosen case study. Consider the company’s production requirements, time, cost, and quantity of materials needed. What are the key elements of information provided in the scenario that are essential for determining the organization’s logistic support needs? What are the organization’s needs?
Sourcing Alternatives: Given required logistic support, describe the costs for in-house and outsourced production of goods for the demand cycle. How could you balance in-house capabilities and outsourced alternatives to allow for the least cost?
Life Cycle Support: Describe the potential reverse logistics costs for a product and explain what the costs mean for the company. Consider how you would provide life cycle support to customers for recycling, replacement, and discontinuation of products.
Assess company capacity and approaches to satisfy needs.
Capacity Constraints: Given customer requirements and sourcing mix, identify specific capacity constraints in production. You will need to estimate the known capacity in view of project demand.
Product Positioning: Develop a plan for positioning finished goods to ensure ease of delivery and convenience while also attending to resource needs and capacity constraints.
Materials Requirements Planning: Given the required rate of production and plant capacity, explain how you would plan for material requirements to successfully fulfill customer and logistics needs identified in your analysis of the case. Your plan should be simple, focusing only on the needs identified and your plan to ensure you are meeting material requirements.
What to Submit
Submit your report as a 5- to 7-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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