Format: Typed in single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman Font with regular A4 pa

June 16, 2024

Format: Typed in single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman Font with regular A4 paper margins. Write 2-pages and
add a 1-page activity map (you are welcome to go over 2 pages of written analysis but no more than 3-pages of written
analysis is necessary). You do not need to reference every statistic, especially common industry ones, but if you are quoting
someone or a source verbatim, then I would like you to make the proper citation in any format of your choice.
This  is Japanese company PPIH, there are store in over world, but please forcus on domestic. If you have any questions, let me know.
here is feedback from professor.
I see an outline of a good analysis concepts. If this was a daily assignment, I would grade it as an A paper. However, I think there might have been a misunderstanding as I was expecting an ‘essay’ format in the same lines as the McKinsey and BCG newsletters that I asked people to read and you have neglected to incorporate some of the points that I asked for in the guidelines such as market space, data points and quantitative analysis. I am asking for a couple more additions if you wish to resubmit (there is no need to re-write, you can attach a 1-page beginning and a 1-page appendix). And I will grade this submission as is instead of averaging the two papers. Feedback Points: 1. You need at least a one page ‘intro’ that is written in essay form. In this part, you need to establish the market space that you are going to describe, presumably the Japanese retail sector where you highlight the Convenience stores, the Supermarkets and the Department stores (as an example of three distinct players). I hope to see data points incorporated here with the data points such as market size and customer numbers and the daily usages. You need to also establish the 3Cs structure here with customer sections, competitors sections and finally the company section (which you have and need to rewrite). 2. I would like to see some effort to add a quantitative analysis using DQ. Students in the past have compared the number of products between DQ vs competitors or even made an effort to look at the cost structure of the Private Brands vs Branded Goods 3. The activity map has more promise (I acknowledge your color code schemes) but to me, I still would not be able to pick out that this is DQ over another retail company. So this indicates to me that you still not have gotten to the essence of this company.

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