For this task, you will design, conduct, and report on an experiment in the natu

July 2, 2024

For this task, you will design, conduct, and report on an experiment in the natural sciences. The natural sciences include biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and astronomy, but exclude computer science/simulations or the social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics). The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the scientific method from research and design to reporting of results.
Your experiment must involve a testable hypothesis where a variable is manipulated. Although you are welcome to test multiple hypotheses, one is sufficient. If your experiment contains multiple hypotheses or variables, each one should address the criteria stated in the associated rubric aspect. Your experiment should demonstrate a basic scientific principle and does not need to lead to a new scientific discovery.
Be sure to incorporate appropriate safety precautions when designing and executing your experiment. Experiments conducted on vertebrate organisms (including humans) are strictly prohibited.
Before conducting your experiment, select a field of natural science of interest to you. Read from a variety of sources (e.g., WGU learning resource, internet articles, books) to narrow your interest to a specific experimental topic. For a list of possible science experiment topic ideas, refer to the “Topic List” attachment. Identify at least two reference materials that explain the scientific principles that motivate the experiment you will conduct; these will be included in your lab report’s literature review section.
Prepare a lab report with the following sections:
?   Introduction and Literature Review
?   Hypothesis
?   Methods
?   Results
?   Conclusions
?   Sources

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