For this part of the test, prepare a two-page typed essay body. Answer both ques

April 19, 2024

For this part of the test, prepare a two-page typed essay body. Answer both questions within two pages. This typed two-page essay body is open;  open book, open notes, and open internet. Use your own words. If you don’t write it yourself using your own words, you have plagiarized or quoted. Quotes don’t earn points. Cite (in-text) and reference (after the 2-page body) all non-class (outside) sources to avoid plagiarism.
Include a title. The title should include your essay title, your name, the class and section, and the date on Page 1. (2%)
In the 2-page body of your work, on Pages 2 and 3:
You can and should answer Part 1 using one page. You can and should answer Part 2 in one page.
Part 1. (Page 2): For the following 2 (two) soil orders: Aridisols and Spodisols, answer the following questions:
Select and specify one the U. S. states you have one state that has 50% or more of each soil type, and the soil category having a predominance of one soil order for each state. (See the slides for soil orders and their distributions) Do this for each soil. (1 sentence each) (10 %, 5% each)
Each U.S. state will have most (50% or more area) of its soils of this type.
A soil order is not a specific soil, but the broadest category of soils, the soil orders discussed in the textbook, and listed in my slides, particularly Unit 23. Do not choose a specific soil. Choose the soil order. (Read the text and slides before doing the test.)
List the dominant crops (or harvested forest tree types) commonly found in this soil order in this state.
Describe the Koppen climate found in this soil order in each state. (1 sentence each)  (10 %, 5% each)
Include the shortened to the 3 letter abbreviation and the full name.
Describe the natural ecosystem(s) for the predominant soil order in each state. (1 sentence each)  (10 %, 5% each)
You might have two or three ecosystems for a given soil order.
Describe the dominant crops using soils in this order in each state. (1 or 2 sentences each)  (10 %, 5% each)
Again, if most of the soils in each state are of this type, the dominant crops (or harvested forests) are likely from this soil.
Describe two limitations of the soil orders for this crop for each state. (1 or 2 sentences each) (10 %, 5% each)
Every soil has limitations, even the best. List two so that you know what to expect from this soil.
Why this matters: You can lose crops and soils if you push soils too hard. This creates poverty and crises like the Dust Bowl, etc.
Part 2. (Page 2 or 3): Discuss island biogeography and the effect of climate changes on isolated species within the continental U.S.
Include (1) species immigration and extinction, as well as (2) species variety, in terms of (3) distance and (4) island size. (20%)
Discuss the effects of climate change on isolated species such as those on (1) estuaries, (2) isolated mountains, (3) oases, and (4) river courses in deserts. (20%)
Include APA, Chicago Style, or MLA citations in the text. (4%)
Include APA, Chicago Style, or MLA references on Page 4. (4%)
Type your response on two pages, using a paragraph format, Times Roman, double-spaced, 12-point font. I will not grade anything after Page 2 of your body. 
You may use the text, notes, slides, and the internet, but not ask for or be given outside assistance. (Do your own work.)
Again, quotes don’t earn points. Use your own words to answer the prompt.
Cite and reference all sources outside the class (textbook and presentations). Citations are in-text. References come after Page 2 of your work.
The essay body needs no introduction or conclusion. If you feel you must have a title, introduction, or conclusion, please put them on separate pages. (You can put the title, introduction, and conclusion in if you wish, but I will only be looking for 20 concepts in the body of your work, as specified. I am grading for content.)
Submit your work on Canvas as a Microsoft Word Document (.doc, or .docx).
Submit it on time. There is a syllabus-defined penalty per day (or a fraction of a day) for late work.

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