For this paper, you want to use the articles and their key points as evidence in

May 10, 2024

For this paper, you want to use the articles and their key points as evidence in your body paragraphs and then add more evidence from your own observations or from another source.  
Remember you don’t cover both causes and effects, just one side or the other.
I am looking for the thesis and two cause or two effects body paragraphs.
Use reading analysis cause or effects analysis to address one of the following questions:
What are two effects of reading bad news according to the article?
What are two reasons to invest in green infrastructure?
What are two effects of a green infrastructure?
What are two causes of the housing shortage per the article?  
What are two ways to help with the housing shortage?
What are the effects of an El Nino-less summer? Based on what has happened before, what examples can you give for the consequences?
Why are children placed in kindergarten early? 
What are the effects of entering kindergarten early?
What are the effects of waiting to start schooling?
For 101, the length is still roughly 500 words.  You need to include a cited quote or paraphrase in each body paragraph.

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