For this paper, I would like you to reflect on and evaluate your progress in the

June 30, 2024

For this paper, I would like you to reflect on and evaluate your progress in the course so far and also start to consider your own leadership qualities.
What you will do
1: Consider your own understanding of leadership.
2: Explore and explain your responses to the leadership self-assessments in the book.
3: Consider why studying leadership is important.
4: Reflect on the course so far, including how your views on leadership have emerged.
What you will submit
Format: Typed, Double-spaced, APA style, with a cover page (and references page, citing at least the textbook)
1. Start your paper off with a short introductory paragraph
2. In the first part of your paper, I would like you to answer the following questions:
a. What is a leader?
b. Given the various definitions of leadership we have explored and discussed this week, what is your definition of leadership?
c. What makes for a good leader?
In your responses, make sure to include some examples from your own experiences to support your perspective.
3. In the second part of the paper, discuss the scores that you earned on each of the following self-assessments. How does this score reflect your own perspective on your leadership qualities and abilities. Are you satisfied with your assessment? How do you think each of these scores helps to define you, as a leader:
a. Willingness to Communication – Page 22 (see attachments)
b. Leadership Styles – Page 51 (see attachments)
c. Followership Style – page 58 (see attachments)
Make sure to include some detail in your responses and your understanding of each of these concepts.
4. Next, briefly talk about why you think studying leadership is important. How do you think “leadership is communication?”
5. In the final part of your paper, I would like you to reflect on the course so far. You can use the following questions to guide your reflection (but, do not answer these in bullet form):
a. How has this course met or not met your expectations so far?
b. Has this course changed your views of leadership and/or followership so far?
c. Is there any particular aspect of leadership that you are most interested in studying further?
d. How do you think your views on leadership have emerged?
6. End your paper with a brief conclusion.

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