For this journal, I want you to spend some time thinking through counter-argumen

July 2, 2024

For this journal, I want you to spend some time thinking through counter-arguments to your thesis and how you can respond to them.
First, write out your current working thesis for your research paper.
Second, identify at least two arguments that someone opposed to your current thesis might make and write them out. For example, if your thesis is “The genetic modification of humans should be prohibited,” two counter-arguments might be “The genetic modification of humans should be permitted because it can eradicate some diseases” and “The genetic modification of humans should be permitted because it allows some couples to have children.”
Third, write a short paragraph responding to each of these counterarguments in your research paper. You might find it helpful to review the options discussed on pages 80-81 Informed Arguments, including refuting your opposition, weighing your position against the opposition, and making concessions.
Your journal should be at least 200 words.
The attachment is what I am writing my research paper on. This is what the paper is based on. 

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