For this essay you will be choosing the source material that you want to analyze

July 4, 2024

For this essay you will be choosing the source material that you want to analyze from a famous speech given in the last 25 years.  You may choose one from an American President or a Celebrity.  You are welcome to use speeches given by those outside the United States as well.  Feel free to do some looking around online before you choose which speech you will use as your text to analyze. 
Once you have chosen a text to analyze you will be analyzing the work for how well the author meets their goals of the speech.  What was their purpose? Who were they addressing? How did they go about trying to accomplish their goal?  Starting on pg. 115 your text lays down a very strong guide to how to go about this style of writing and you may want to refer back to it during the drafting process of your essay. 
You are looking at persuasive works of writing and not literature. How we analyze various works is heavily dependent upon what type of work it is we are reviewing.  In this case you will be looking for what ways the writer/speaker looks to persuade the audience as well as keeping an eye out for rhetorical fallacies as well. 
Be sure to include textual evidence directly from the source material to support the assertions you will be making about the text.  While there isn’t a specific number of direct quotations you will need you will want to be sure that you are using the text to support your ideas in your essay.  I’ve have chosen MLK I’ve been to the mountain top!

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