For this essay, you need to select a group to which you belong and define it. T

July 2, 2024

For this essay, you need to select a group to which you belong and define it. This needs to be a group you chose to join; your group can be from any part of your life (something you were a part of in the past or are a part of now). It can be a formal group or informal, general or narrow in scope. What matters is that this group has had some impact on your life and the way you define yourself. It should also be a group that you feel is not always understood by outsiders.
*Please note: You cannot use gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religion. These topics are far too broad for a 3-4 page paper.
This is not a story about how you joined the group; your paper should discuss how you define the group. Your goal is to argue something about the group and what your definition means in comparison to an outsider’s perception of the group. This is an essay, so it should have a clear thesis making a specific claim about the group.

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