For this discussion forum, select one of the two stories and either (1) explain

June 12, 2024

For this discussion forum, select one of the two stories and either
(1) explain how the author uses setting to enhance what is going on in the story. Be very specific and “show” us what you mean by incorporating quotes from the selected story; or
(2) select one symbol that exists in the story–be sure to identify the concrete item–and explain what you understand the symbol to represent and how you came to that determination by presenting quoted material from the story that supports that conclusion.
Be specific and be sure to include textual evidence (quotes from the story) to back up your claims. Check out the rubric so that you fully understand the expectations, but note that I am always looking for at least 3 points of textual support from the literature.
Your initial post will respond directly to the prompt(s). The initial response should be a minimum of one-two paragraphs (10-12 sentences, minimum, and it should incorporate textual references, either direct (quotations) or indirect with the respective page numbers in parenthesis at the end of the sentence incorporating source material

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