For this assignment, you will review the latest evidence-based guidelines as th

July 1, 2024

For this assignment, you will review the latest evidence-based guidelines as they pertain to the case below. Please make sure you are using scholarly references, and they should not be older than 5 years. Cite the sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format with at least 400 words. Use at least 3 references. 

Discussion: Self-Development

You explored leadership and self-development in week 6. This week you will have an opportunity to share your thoughts regarding the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership and the 10 Commitments of Leadership. The questions below will assist you in exploring more deeply your beliefs regarding these practices and to illuminate the salient factors that you believe will assist in making changes and some of the potential challenges that might be faced.

Review what has been provided for this discussion, and then provide answers to the following questions:

  • Which practices and commitments will be the most difficult to develop and apply? Why?
  • Which practices and commitments appear to have the most powerful impact on an organization? Why?

Justify your answers using examples and reasoning.

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