For this assignment, you will choose two persons with intersecting social charac

May 4, 2024

For this assignment, you will choose two persons with intersecting social characteristics that are as different from your own as possible (e.g., sex, gender, race, social class, religion, etc.). Then, interview these two individuals about health and healthcare issues that they have had to contend with over the course of their lives, and how people in their lives and medical personnel have managed/reacted/contributed to these issues in positive and negative ways. 
The primary focus of these interviews should on gender dynamics, though relevant dynamics of biological sex should not be ignored.  Further, the interview data analysis you perform should place gender in intersectional context.  That is, persons of the same gender may have vastly different experiences based on their religion, social class, or ethnicity, for example. Be sure to elevate such observations. 
You will ultimately submit a 7-page paperdetailing what you learned from this activity, being sure to link it firmly to course material and to at least two (2) outside sources.

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