For this assignment, I needed to use an AI chatbot, where I had a 5-10 minute co

June 29, 2024

For this assignment, I needed to use an AI chatbot, where I had a 5-10 minute conversation with the AI about the topic you chose. Selected topic: Pay Equity: Addressing and rectifying gender and racial pay gaps, with a focus on gender. 
When I was done, I was to use AI to write a  300-word summary explaining why I asked the questions I did, what the AI answered, and what the experience was like for you.
Please find the copy of the conversation attached, as well as my 300 word summary. 
In 750 words, I need to reflect more deeply on your interaction with the AI. What do you think its answers mean for how companies will engage with DEI in the coming years? Did you find its statements useful? Did you agree with its analysis? Explain why or why not. More broadly, what potential do you think AI tools hold for advancing the work of DEI in organizations or helping us understand this space better?
Make sure to give a fair analysis. 

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