For the final project, students will interview at least one individual affiliate

May 7, 2024

For the final project, students will interview at least one individual affiliated with one of the Asian American ethnic groups covered this semester.  Interviews must be conducted by the student and may be recorded via video or audio (for your own notes/transcription purposes only – you are NOT required to submit video or audio recordings). The final project submission will be a 500-750-word paper (approx. 2-3 pages, double-spaced). Papers should include information and direct quotes attributed to the interviewee and may also contain photos (photos not required; if included, please be sure to get the permission of your subject/s).  
The purpose of this interview assignment is to hear directly from an Asian American individual and to apply what you’ve learned about Asian American communities to their present-day experiences.  The main thing that I’m looking for is to see that you understand and are able to place an individual’s experiences and perspectives into the context of however they choose to define their “Asian American experience” (one thing that I hope you have learned through this course is that there is no singular Asian American “experience”). 
You may choose to interview subjects related to your midterm project, but this connection is not required for the final. 
You may want to use your phone or some kind of recording device to record your interview for clarity and reference (this is for your purposes only; DO NOT submit any audio or video recordings as part of your final). 
You will write a 2-3-page paper incorporating your interview data. Compare and contrast the experiences of your interviewee with the empirical material and theoretical concepts discussed in lectures, videos, and in the readings.  
In addition to your final paper, you may include any archival materials the interviewee provides (photographs, brochures, documents, artifacts, etc.). Any materials submitted should be duplicate copies (NOT originals), since they will not be returned to you. 
Your paper should demonstrate your ability to “put it all together” and show how you have absorbed what you’ve learned through this course and that you are able to apply your learnings to critically analyze current/recent events impacting Asian American communities.

Your specific questions will be largely determined by whom you are interviewing, so please use these suggested questions as a starting point to help guide the overall direction of your interview for the purposes of this assignment.  Feel free to add or follow up with your own questions. 
Immigration History
Which Asian American ethnic community/ies do you most identify with?   
What generation American are you (first generation is the person who immigrated, second generation is someone who was born to immigrant parents, third gen is someone born to second gen parents, etc.)?   
(If not first generation) When did the first person in your family  immigrate to the U.S.?  Where specifically did they first live?  What brought them here? 
How did your family come to live in the Central Valley (or wherever they reside)?
Family Experience  (Consider what you learned about their specific ethnic group and compare/contrast their family’s experience with what you learned) 
What type of work do you/your parents/family do? 
Describe your family’s  experience adjusting  to life in the U.S. 
Do you/your family regularly associate with others in your same culture?   
Have you/your family tried to maintain or pass on any cultural values and/or traditions?  Why or why not? 
Personal Experience (Consider what you learned about their specific ethnic group and compare/contrast their personal  experience with what you learned) 
In what ways  do you identify as a (insert Asian ethnicity) American?  Describe a few of the positive and negative aspects of identifying as a (insert ethnicity) American? 
Describe a specific challenge or difficulty you’ve faced as an (insert ethnicity) American. 
Describe something about being an (insert ethnicity) that makes you happy or proud. 
PLEASE keep in mind that it is the prerogative of the interviewee to consent to be recorded, so you MUST ask for their permission before recording your interview.  It is NOT required to record the interview; if you do, please note that the recording is purely for your own benefit/use as you put together your paper — you are NOT to submit the full recording footage as part of your final project.
Remember that your interviewees may be professionals who operate in a workplace and talking to you is not part of their job if you are calling during their regular work hours.  Therefore, please be respectful of their time and call and/or email to introduce yourself, the reason you’re requesting to speak to them, and ask them politely if they could spare just 5-10 minutes to talk to you.  Let them know if you plan to do any audio or video recording and get their permission to do so ahead of time, so that you do not put them on the spot on the day of your interview.
LASTLY, please remember that your request for an interview may not always be granted, especially if you are asking as a last-minute request.

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