For the discussion this week, start with the following video if you are in the “

May 23, 2024

For the discussion this week, start with the following video if you are in the “what the heck is crypto currency” camp. If you are familiar with crypto, move on to the attached articles.   very short “how do crypto currencies work” video from the Guardian
After reading the two articles for this week (one on crypto vs stocks and the other on real estate vs stocks) and watching the two minute video (plus any other videos from YouTube that may be helpful to you), consider the following:
When you consider investing, risk and return are vital to consider. Let’s assume some distant aunt you didn’t even know about recently left you $20,000 in her will and you are thinking of how to invest the funds. You have a lot of choices, stay super safe and invest in government bonds or CDs from your bank. You can take on more risk and invest in stocks, maybe bonds, maybe crypto, maybe some combination.
What would be your choice, and why? This is where you should discuss risk, potential return, diversification, investment horizon, and other many other factors.
I’m looking for the “what and why” of your thoughts on investing. There is no correct answer here. What I would do is different than what you would do (face it, I’m older and my money won’t be invested for as long as yours, which makes me more risk-averse). The most important part of this discussion is the underlying reasoning for your choice, what were the biggest drivers of your investment decision?

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