For Post Master’s DNP Applicants ONLY: Detailed Scholarly Project Proposal Uploa

July 4, 2024

For Post Master’s DNP Applicants ONLY: Detailed Scholarly Project Proposal
Upload a document that tells the admissions committee about your Scholarly Project Proposal. Save the document as “YourLastName UofM Project”. Please save it in the “Other” document category.
As part of the Post Master’s option DNP academic requirements, students are required to complete a DNP Scholarly Project. This project is designed to address a quality improvement process or problem. In 1000 words or less, please identify a problem or process improvement that relates to your advanced practice that you plan to incorporate into your DNP Scholarly Project. Be sure to include the following topics: problem identification, proposed solution and desired outcome.
This is for a CRNA school program application. I think understaffing, high demand, leading to burnout fatigue, and drug diversion or workforce shortages in rural areas but whatever you think or find more studies about is fine.

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