For HW #4, write one substantive paragraph of at least 200 words on EACH of the

May 6, 2024

For HW #4, write one substantive paragraph of at least 200 words on EACH of the three questions below. 
Based on your careful reading of Black Feminism on Capitol Hill, write a paragraph explaining in your own words what are the author’s most important analytical points are about Shirley Chisholm as a bridge leader?  First explain what the author means by “bridge leader.” Then give two examples of how Chisholm was a bridge leader and how unique a politician she was. Don’t use quotations in this paragraph. Paraphrase and summarize to explain in your own words what the author is saying.
Another article quotes Shirley Chisholm as saying, “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” Based on your careful reading of the article about her, write a 200-word reflection in your own words on how Shirley Chisholm did that and used her “insider/outsider” position to advocate for the issues she believed in. In your answer, give specific examples. Important: don’t use quotations in this paragraph. Paraphrase and summarize to explain in your own words what Curwood is saying as the foundation for you expressing your own opinion on the question.
Who represents your neighborhood in the House of Representatives today?  Find out here by zip code: Do a little research on this person and discuss whether you think he or she is doing as good a job as Shirley Chisholm did in representing the people of her neighborhood (Bed-Stuy).

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