For Assignment 1, you will identify and define a problem at your organization or

July 4, 2024

For Assignment 1, you will identify and define a problem at your organization or in your practice. Provide a review of at least five current peer-reviewed research articles that discuss and address the problem.  Discuss how the problem you identified is similar to and different than what is discussed in the current body of knowledge. Provide evidence regarding the significance of the problem, and how the problem has and can impact nursing practice, patient and/or student outcomes, and global healthcare or educational environments. Discuss at least three of the potential solutions and/or evidence-based guidelines that were used in the literature to address the problem. Remember you are gathering the literature that will support an evidence-based research project. Through an extensive review of the literature, you may find that the problem you have identified is not just a phenomenon at your organization or in your practice but exists in many areas of nursing practice.  

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