follow this AGLC4 referencing  use the 3 references listed  1. Zimmermann, Augus

May 17, 2024

follow this AGLC4 referencing 
use the 3 references listed 
1. Zimmermann, Augusto and Lorraine Finlay, ‘Reforming Federalism : A Proposal for Strengthening the Australian Federation’ (2011) 37(2) Monash University law review 190
2. Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (Imp) 63 & 64 Vict, c 12, s9 1977 6 (Federal Register of Legislation)
3. Q. Walker, Geoffrey, ‘Rediscovering the Advantages of Federalism’, Parliament of Australia
Assessment 2 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Structure and content of Introduction
2 to >1.67 pts
Outstanding Competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
a) Highly organised – the needed structural sentences for the introduction (i.e., the general comment, thesis and outline sentences) are outstanding and in correct order. b) The general comment shows importance of topic and generates interest but is not part of the argument and does not answer question. c) The thesis is clear and concise. d) The outline sentences provide information on paragraph content and order of arguments. The scope is clear, concise and accurate.
1.67 to >1.33 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
a) Excellent organisation – the required structural sentences for the introduction (i.e., the general comment, thesis and outline sentences) are excellent and in correct order. b) The general comment explains the importance of the topic and generates interest but is not part of the argument and does not answer question. c) The thesis is understandable but may not be concise. d) The outline sentences do provide information on paragraph content and order of arguments. The scope is clear.
1.33 to >1 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
a) Some organisation demonstrated – the required structural sentences for the introduction (i.e., the general comment, thesis and outline sentences) are identifiable but are not in correct order. Some understanding of required introduction structure is demonstrated. b) The general comment may be part of the argument or may be unrelated. c) Thesis may be absent, or attempted but may be weak or unclear. d) The outline sentences may not provide information on paragraph content and order of arguments or may be a continuation of thesis. The scope is somewhat clear.
1 to >0 pts
Not yet demonstrating skills effectively (Pass to Fail)
a) Poorly organised – the required structural sentences for the introduction may not be present nor identifiable (i.e., the general comment, thesis and outline sentences). Little understanding of required introduction structure is demonstrated. b) Thesis is absent or unclear. c) The outline sentences are missing or do not provide information on paragraph content and order of arguments. The scope of the paper is not clear.
/ 2 pts
Describe Australia’s federal system of government
4 to >3 pts
Outstanding competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
a) Outstanding description of Australia’s federal system of government b) Paragraph/s are well organised, beginning with a clear topic sentence. There are supporting sentences that expand on the central idea, with evidence from research included. The concluding sentence restates the idea in the topic sentence, also shows how that information helps answer the question. The paragraph/s contains at least 4-5 sentences.
3 to >2.75 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
a) Excellent description of Australia’s federal system of government b) Paragraphs are well organised, including a clear topic sentence and supporting information, which follows through on thesis clearly.
2.75 to >2 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
a) Sound description of Australia’s federal system of government There may be minor errors or omissions of relevant information, or irrelevant inclusions. b) Paragraphs may have underdeveloped topic sentences or organisation. Relationship of each paragraph to the thesis may be limited or unclear.
2 to >0 pts
Not yet demonstrating skills (Pass to Fail)
a) Limited or incorrect identification and description of Australia’s federal system of government. b) Paragraphing not evident/ or not organised according to essay conventions (e.g., may have no topic sentence and no supporting evidence). Relationship of each paragraph to the thesis may be limited or unclear.
/ 4 pts
Discuss if Australia’s federal system of government should be maintained in the 21st century.
8 to >6 pts
Outstanding competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
a) Outstanding discussion, including coverage of advantages and disadvantages of current system. b) Paragraph/s are well organised, beginning with a clear topic sentence. There are supporting sentences that expand on the central idea, with evidence from research included. The concluding sentence restates the idea in the topic sentence, also shows how that information helps answer the question. The paragraph/s contains at least 4-5 sentences.
6 to >5.5 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
a) Excellent discussion, including coverage of advantages and disadvantages. b) Paragraphs are well organised, including a clear topic sentence and supporting information, which follows through on thesis clearly.
5.5 to >4 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
5.5 to >4 Pts a) Sound discussion of the current system. There may be minor errors or omissions of relevant information, or irrelevant inclusions. b) Paragraphs may have underdeveloped topic sentences or organisation. Relationship of each paragraph to the thesis may be limited or unclear.
4 to >0 pts
Not yet demonstrating skills (Pass to Fail)
a) Limited, vague or simplistic discussion of current system. b) Paragraphing not evident/ or not organised according to essay conventions (e.g., may have no topic sentence and no supporting evidence). Relationship of each paragraph to the thesis may be limited or unclear.
/ 8 pts
2 to >1.5 pts
Outstanding competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
a) Outstanding and thoughtful selection of research b) Extensive range of research integrated into analysis c) All resources are relevant and reliable.
1.5 to >1 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
a) An excellent range of research used. b) Research effectively integrated into the analysis. c) Most sources are relevant and reliable.
1 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
a) Research was satisfactory, but perhaps not consistently so. b) Research integrated into the analysis. c) Some sources may be not relevant and/or reliable.
1 to >0 pts
Developing (Pass to Fail)
a) Research was minimal/ unsatisfactory or there may be over reliance on mandatory sources. b) Research and analysis are not integrated. c) Sources may not be relevant or reliable.
/ 2 pts
Structure and content of Conclusion
2 to >1.67 pts
Outstanding competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
Provides closure by reiterating the thesis and summarising most important findings while outlining the significance of the research in a broad context
1.67 to >1 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
Provides closure by reiterating the thesis and summarising most important findings.
1 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
Provides closure by restating the thesis and providing only a partial summary of findings.
1 to >0 pts
Not yet demonstrating skills effectively (Pass to Fail)
Conclusion does not provide closure and findings are not summarised. Points uncertain or unclear.
/ 2 pts
Academic Style
1 to >0.75 pts
Outstanding competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
Language and structure conform to academic style and enhances analysis. Third person is used consistently and language is formal and clear. Precise language and varied words always used. The submission is free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
0.75 to >0.5 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
Language and structure conform to academic style and contributes to analysis. Third person is used consistently. Precise language and varied words mostly used. There may be a small number of errors in spelling, grammar, however meaning remains mostly clear.
0.5 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
Language and structure mostly conform to academic style. Writer may shift person throughout the essay or uses “you” and “I” infrequently and/or use slang. Clichés, repetition of words and imprecise words may be occasionally used. Proofreading needs work as there may be several errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation which occasionally obscure meaning.
0.5 to >0 pts
Not yet demonstrating skills effectively (Pass to Fail)
Does not conform to academic style. (E.g., 1st person pronouns are used frequently. Clichés, repetition of words and imprecise words are used. Numerous errors in spelling or grammar, readability of the paper is low. Proofreading weak to very weak.
/ 1 pts
Inclusion of 3 Mandatory sources
2 to >0 pts
Outstanding competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
At least 3 Mandatory sources included in paragraphs
0 pts
Less than 3 mandatory resouces included in paragraphs.
/ 2 pts
2 to >1.5 pts
Outstanding competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
All references correspond correctly to the works cited on page, which is fully accurate according to AGLC4 guidelines.
1.5 to >1 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
Most references correspond correctly to the works cited on page which is mostly accurate according to AGLC4 guidelines.
1 to >0.5 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
While internal citations correspond to works cited, in several cases information is inaccurate, incorrectly formatted or incomplete.
0.5 to >0 pts
Pass to Fail – Developing
Referencing errors are significant and plagiarism is a clear possibility.
/ 2 pts
2 to >1.5 pts
Outstanding Competence (High Distinction to Distinction)
Bibliography corresponds exactly to AGLC4 guidelines and has no errors. I
1.5 to >1 pts
Competent (Distinction to Credit)
Bibliography mostly formatted correctly; some minor errors may be evident.
1 pts
Demonstrated (Credit to Pass)
a) Bibliography not formatted correctly, (e.g., author’s surnames not first and/or not listed in alphabetical order in correct sections, etc.).
1 to >0 pts
Pass to Fail – Developing
Bibliography not included or only a partial attempt is made.
/ 2 pts
it doesnt have to be perfect just completed. 

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