FIRST TASK: Demonstrate your understanding of what logical fallacies are and how

April 24, 2024

FIRST TASK: Demonstrate your understanding of what logical fallacies are and how and where they occur in our daily lives. And ultimately, how to avoid using them in our presentations. 
SECOND TASK: Review this segment on “Logical Reasoning” and respond to the question below:
Segment: We have all seen or heard people make claims or assertions, that from our perspectives, may have lacked scientific proof and their reasoning being more of a “Logical Fallacy”. And we have either challenged it or probably not said anything at all. For example, I had an uncle who showed up at Thanksgiving Dinner one year and made the statement, “Man has never been to the moon!” And my other uncle challenged him and said, “How do you know? What’s your proof?” And his response was, “How can man go to the moon, when he can’t even go to the bottom of the ocean?” Right! Where’s the logic?
Instructions: Share with us a statement you heard made by someone that either was not based in sound reason or a flat out logical fallacy and you either challenged it or ignored it. Who was involved, what was said and what was the outcome?

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