First notes: Please think about this paragraph before you begin your research pa

April 28, 2024

First notes: Please think about this paragraph before you begin your research papers.
The term “articles” means either academic or practitioner specific sources. You cannot use junk science, popular magazine or blogs, newspaper or Wikipedia type sources. I suggest you use the databases from the QC library via Canvas link on the left of Canvas page.
Don’t use a small article: it will only hurt you. Select articles that are at least 3000-10,000 words long. This will give you enough information to use in your paper, making the entire process a bit easier overall.
Make a title and reference page, use 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins. Professional and clean papers only please.
Remember to review the videos in the Resource module first.
Topic of this paper is Police Stress: it’s a general topic so from there it’s up to you how you wish to approach that topic. Follow your interests!
You’ll submit this paper through Turn-It-In. Your paper can not go beyond a 20% similarity score. Anything above that will automatically be returned for revision.
Topic: Police Stress
This paper will be a deep dive into an article about police stress. You can approach the topic any way that interests you (Major stressors, dealing with stress, police and PTSD, etc) but the main context of the discussion must be about police stress. 
Part 1.  10 points
Include and/or address the following:
-Author and title of article,
-The name of the Journal you found it in
-Is the article a study, position paper, new information, or persuasion paper?
-Summarize the paper.
-Describe the main idea of the article and why you think it was written.
-How does the article end, what is the conclusion?
Part 2.  10 points
Identify 3 things you learned or discovered from reading the article and how each will benefit you in your career. Be thorough, I am looking for content, not simple answers. 
You are to describe one benefit for each point learned, thus you’ll have at least 3 paragraphs for this section when done. Material discussed must be from the article and not commonly known information.
Part 3.  10 points
Develop 3 questions you would ask the author about this article if he or she were here in class and explain why you asked that question. In other words, defend your question as the best one to ask.  Again, you’ll have at least 3 paragraphs for this answer detailing a question and why you asked that question. 
Your questions must be interrogative in nature and seek to expand upon the materials you read. Questions such as “why did you write this article” will not be accepted. Here you should be looking to have the author expand upon, clarify, justify, something they wrote, or to connect something they wrote to some aspect of the course. 
Part 4 .  5 points
Explain 2 ways you might advance this research or take it to the next level. How would you build upon this work for the next article if you were asked to help write it? At least 2 paragraphs here.
Part 5.  10 points
Connect the information in this article back to class in 5 ways. Describe how what you read about is connected to what you are learning this semester. You will have at least 5 full paragraphs in this section connecting all points back to the course and explaining those connections.
Grammar and editing.  5 points
Paper should be 3 or more full pages long. It can be longer if you need, never shorter. Any format, 12 pt font, double spaced, 1 inch margins, include title and reference page.

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