find one news article related to the topic of the intersection of religion and r

July 2, 2024

find one news article related to the topic of the intersection of religion and race in the United States and write a 1-2 page response piece (double spaced, 12pt font). The response should briefly summarize the content of the article, and then respond to either its content or its representation of content. That is to say, that students can write either about (#1) the topic, or (#2) the media representation of the topic. For example, a response responding to (#1) might respond to and analyze current challenges to rejections of ‘Civil Religion’ enacted in the toppling of public statues of Confederate leaders. A response responding to (#2) would briefly discuss the content of the article, but would focus in detail on the ways in which these statue topplings are being reported in the article – looking for bias, perspective, and language usage. please cite all the resources that was used and this can not be ai work. it has to be 100% humanized

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