Find a legal case that was in a court and that was a case where one party was a

May 1, 2024

Find a legal case that was in a court and that was a case where one party was a business or business person accused of doing something wrong in their capacity as a business person. Examples include environmental cases, such as BP oil spill, criminal cases, privacy law violations (Google, etc.), patent infringement (Apple v. Samsung etc.) and so on. You must decide on a case and discuss the following: 1. Who are the parties? 2. What laws are involved – statutes and/or common law? What are the elements of violating the law involved? 3. What, if any, rights are being balanced by the laws/case at hand? 4. How does this case inform you about your future activities as a person involved in business? Paper requirements: Paper should be 3 pages typed (before exhibits and citation), 12 point font, single spaced. You must cite all of your sources, I prefer bibliography format. 

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